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Ex Law n°675/96 Privacy Law
With reference to the Rights Art 13 Act N 675 of 31.12.1996. The Act 675/96 introduced a normative finalised to the protection of the privacy of citizen with reference to their private data's. Pisani Editore, declares that all information acquired referring to the form above will be used with reference to the above mentioned law. Art 13 Act N 675/96 confers to all citizens the application of the rights necessary to the put to act of the "PRIVACY" protection. More precisely, the person interested may obtain from the owner or holder of the data the confirmation of the existence of personal data's, for obtaining their cancellation, amendment in an anonymous form in part or in whole of the data's treated in violation of law or the update, rectification, integration of the data's contested, for legitimate reasons to the treatment. Further more the owner has the right to contest for free to the treatment of his data for the delivery of advertising material, or direct offers from third parties companies for the sale of their products or services, for the accomplishment of market surveys or commercial communication.